Your Guide To Probiotic Immune-Boosters

Beginner's Guide:

Understanding Probiotics and their Role in Immunity

The human body is a fascinating ecosystem, and our gut microbiome plays a surprisingly crucial role in overall health, including immune function. But how exactly can tiny bacteria residing in your digestive system influence your ability to fight off illness?

This page delves into the fascinating world of probiotic immune-boosters. We’ll explore the science behind the gut-microbiome connection and how probiotics might support a healthy immune response. We’ll also answer common questions about probiotic strains, potential benefits, and considerations when choosing a supplement.

Whether you’re curious about the latest research or simply looking for ways to naturally support your immune system, this page is your one-stop shop for understanding the potential of probiotic immune-boosters.

How does it work?

Probiotics boost our immune system by keeping us healthy and fighting off pathogens, as well as competing for pathogenic resources — if our good bacteria is thriving, there’s no room for the bad to grow! They also help us by creating micronutrients for our bodies to absorb, keeping our systems in tip-top shape.

These are just a few of the ways that probiotics are designed to boost our systems and keep us feeling top notch.

To stay in good health this autumn, be sure to get your flu shot. Keeping up with a healthy lifestyle of regular exercise and nutritious diet can help your body prepare to fight the virus off as well.

Curious? Here are common questions about probiotic immune-boosters:

  • “What kind should I take for maximum protection?”
  • “Are there any studies showing effectiveness?”
  • “How does it work?”
  • Not to worry! We are here to answer all of your questions and concerns.
  • What kind should I take for maximum protection?

If you’re looking for a probiotic blend designed to offer you maximum immune support during cold and flu season, you want three key strains: lactobacillus, bacillus coagulans, and saccharomyces boulardii.

1. Lactobacillus

Lactobacillus is a key strain for every probiotic blend, but is especially important if you’re looking at probiotics for immune support.

In general, studies on this booster include the following common conclusions:

  • Reducing cold symptoms in healthy human subjects
  • Reducing cold duration in healthy human subjects
    preventing pneumonia in mice

In another important study, it was shown to prevent pneumonia in mice. Another landmark study showed significantly reduced cold symptoms in healthy individuals of the general population. (You can check these out yourself here and here ).

If you only take one strain this autumn, we suggest you make it this one. This is your first line of defense against invading pathogens, and your best bet at a quick recovery if you do come down with something.

2. Bacillus Coagulans

While lactobacillus in immune support blends is designed to protect against and reduce the duration of symptoms, Bacillus Coagulans are designed to step in and play a key role in case of a viral invasion.

The Journal Of Postgraduate Medicine recently published a study showing an increased immune response to viral invasion associated with taking bacillus coagulans.

Key points of this study:

  • Increased immune response to viral invasion
  • Enhanced t-cell response
  • Better recovery from respiratory tract infections

Sometimes, when we get a virus, our body fights it off so quickly we may not have to miss work or even notice that it’s there. Bacillus Coagulans are included in blends designed to keep our immune system at top function, even when a virus does get past.

3. Saccharomyces Boulardii

Last but not least, Saccharomyces Boulardii is your defense against the dark, scary pathogens that enter your body in food and drink. Our digestive tract plays a key role in our immune systems.

Lines the intestines to stop pathogens from entering
May help to eliminate pathogens in the intestines
boosts digestion to keep our bodies running strong

One study describes how they can line the mucosal barrier and prevent pathogens and microorganisms from entering. Check it out here:


Are there any studies showing effectiveness?

Check these out articles to continue learning more: